Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh: Speeches at CPAC

#1 and #8 on the UK Telegraph's Top Ten list of Anti-Obama Conservatives, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter respectively spoke on the final day of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
Video: Rush Limbaugh delivers CPAC speech(Part 1 of 10)

Read a full transcript of Rush Limbaugh's speech:
Rush's First Televised Address to the Nation: CPAC speech
RUSH: Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you all very, very much. Thank you all. I can't tell you how wonderful that makes me feel. It happens everywhere I go, but it's still special here. [ Laughter ] If you all will indulge me, I learned something, I guess, it's early Friday morning that I didn't know. Friday morning is when I learned this. I learned that Fox, God love them, is televising this speech on the Fox News Channel, which means, ladies and gentleman, this is my first ever address to the nation. [Applause]

- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (1 of 10)
- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (2 of 10)
- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (3 of 10)
- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (4 of 10)
- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (5 of 10)
- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (6 of 10)
- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (7 of 10)
- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (8 of 10)
- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (9 of 10)
- Rush Limbaugh delivers speech at CPAC (10 of 10)

Video: Ann Coulter delivers CPAC speech (1 of 3)

ANN COULTER: It's interesting how Obama's adorers in the press keep comparing him to Lincoln and Reagan. Apparently they can't think of a Democrat president worthy of being compared to [wild applause]

One interesting point, like any good entertainer Ann Coulter used the exposure to cross promote her event with friend Bill Maher
Speaking of which I will be debating Bill Maher in New York Boston and Chicago. March 9, 10 and 11. Any of you can come.

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